Going Through A Personal Crisis? Talk to Someone You Trust

Two women chatting at a table

There’s no sugar-coating it. Life can be hard. Challenges are inevitable and circumstances cannot always be controlled. What you can control however is how you handle yourself when those challenging and unexpected circumstances come knocking at your door.


Preparing for a Free Pregnancy Test Appointment at Birthright

Woman on laptop

Are you thinking about scheduling a free pregnancy test at Birthright? Here’s how to prepare. Think about timing So you’ve scheduled yourself an appointment for a free pregnancy test. Or maybe you are coming for a walk-in appointment. Either way, one of the the first questions we will ask you is the date of your


How to Help Your Friend Through an Unplanned Pregnancy

Phone graphic displaying a text conversation

You get a text from your best friend that reads something like this… “Freaking out right now! My period is so late… I think I might be pregnant! What do I do?!   The first thing to do is to stay calm. Reassure her that you are there for her and see if you can


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